








I had a case of the Monday’s today. After laying in bed all day yesterday my brain and/or my body didn’t want to work today. I left the hotel and went straight to the post office. I had to ship some stuff home so that Domino could fit inside of Jenny. This will allow me to let her walk some and rest some throughout the day. Rather than just pushing her too hard like I have been a little bit. So she’s good now. She likes the ride and people think it’s cute when they see us passing by.

We did a little sightseeing in DC. I have been a few times already in my life and have seen all of the main stuff. But I still wanted to at least see the white house while on the walk. It only makes sense. I kind of regretted it. It caused a lot of attention and while it was good to talk to everyone about the cause, it was holding us up and I just wanted to get over the river because there is a 45 mile long bike path that I have been really looking forward to.

It is a paved path with no cars. They have water stations and it’s well maintained. So I finally get there and put domino into Jenny and walk until mid afternoon. I love this trail! People are so nice and I don’t have to worry about being ran over by a car. My uncle lives nearby and I was planning on staying with him for the night.

I broke down Jenny and was able to fit everything into his car. We went to REI to get some supplies that I needed and then headed to his house for dinner and LAUNDRY!! Haha. I’ve been washing my socks and underwear in showers or sinks and it was so nice to do some real laundry and have all of my clothes clean. I had a great time hanging out with my uncle. It’s been a long time since we’ve caught up. It was nice to see some family too. I miss everyone back home already.

I am looking forward to tomorrow. I’m going to get an early start and I’ll be on the paved path all day. Weather is going to be warmer and sunny. A little windy but that’s all. Domino will be riding in Jenny most of the day.

Now for a good night’s sleep!!


  • The smileyface pic you posted on day 6 is very meaningful for me…LOVED IT! (I will explain in 2nd paragraph) I have & had many addicts in my life but it was my oldest son’s heroin addiction and a daughter-in-law’s (married to another son) meth addiction that brought me to my knees. Circumstance awarded me full custody of my 2 year old grandson for more than 6mos after his mother ran off on a binge and never came back while my younger son (her husband) was serving his country under the sea. I can and do educate myself about addiction, but I don’t think I will ever make complete sense of it. I have a Nar-Anon family group that has helped me a lot over the past couple years. I’ve found it’s principles keep me from slipping back into the chaos that comes with loving an addict. I’m fortunate to have found a sponsor who’s guidance through the 1st and 2nd round of step work is appreciated. Surrender and faith are difficult for me and I need to work regularly on my awarness and gratitude or consious contact with my Higher Power. If I don’t, I tend to fall back to resentment and hoplessness.

    During a particular low day, I had to push myself real hard to find a reason to smile. I decided to take my grandson to a local sunflower field in full bloom. We took a bunch of photos and at first I had to force a smile but it wasn’t long before it became more natural. I mean, it was a perfect sunny day and who could not be uplifted swiming in a sea of sunflowers, right? When we got home I began choosing a few pictures that I could put on facebook. Low and behold there was a smileyface on one of the sunflowers just over the shoulders of my grandson and I. Earlier, someone must have picked out the seeds to make the face. I never even realized it was there at the time we took the shots. How funny … I went out looking for a smile and there it was. If that’s not a boost/gift from HP I don’t know what is. Since then I look for random smileyfaces just like the one you came across. This practice keeps me hopeful and positive.

    Thanks for posting that picture, thanks for what you are doing in honor of your sis (so very sorry for your loss) and thanks a million for allowing us to share your experience. I am sure this will be life changing for you and that you will touch a lot of people just like you did me. Stay lifted in spirit and we’d love to welcome you to KC if you’re passing through. ~ Betty

  • Adrian Campbell

    Hey Brett……. This is Adrian from the post office earlier yesterday. Got a chance to view your photos and read about the start of your walk (Day 1) up until the present. I’m inspired by the whole event and I love the way that people have pulled together in some way or form to assist you on your journey. I will be following your journey to the end. In hopes to one day catch you again along your path and walk with you a few miles or even a day or two. Good Luck with everything and God Bless.

    • Hey man! Thanks for checking it out! Hope all is well back in DC. I am finally over the Appalachian mountains now!

  • Hey Brett and Domino—Been reading your blog and keeping up with you. Brett you are a really good and interesting writer. Sounds like you’re both doing well and the start is excellent . I really admire you for this tribute to your sister, as well as making folks aware of addiction consequences. Be safe and continue this awesome journey.

  • Appreciate you sharing. My pappy used to say “The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering” 🙂

  • It’s great of you to share your perspective. Keep it real.

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