Day 17








Today was by far the hardest day I’ve had yet. I woke up early and it was still dark and me and Domino were both cold so I wrapped her blanket around her again and I put on a few more things and went back to sleep. I woke up again as the sun was rising but there was a huge rain cloud and we were in it. It only came down very lightly but I didn’t want to be cold and wet so I stayed in the tent and entertained myself with funny faces.

After a slow start and a big breakfast we finally got moving. It was uphill and against the wind to start. I was so frustrated. My will was tested for the first time. Just as I was getting close to calling someone to give me a ride outta there a man pulls up. He was dressed nicely and had a nice SUV. Someone I would not have imagined to pull over to check on me. But I was wrong.

He said hello and shook my hand and asked if we needed a tent or sleeping bag or anything. I told him thank you but we were ok and I started to tell him what we were up to. Before he even knew my cause he reached into his wallet and said, “here is everything I have, please take it.”  It was over $100. I couldn’t believe it. I told him thank you and that it was very good timing for him to pull over as I was in a bad place mentally. He told me to keep the flame inside of me lit. Needless to say, I continued on…

The views were stunning. I wished so much that the wind would stop. I didn’t mind the hills so much but the wind was driving me off the walls. I had to literally push my jogging stroller downhill at times. It would roll backwards up the hill if I let it go.

I saw a nook where I could take a break from the wind and went down to eat some snacks and feed Domino as well. As we were down there I heard a car pull up. They saw Jenny on the side of the road and wanted to see if everything was ok. This was a wonderful older couple who saw me on the road earlier and just wanted to check on us. I told her that we were ok and what we were doing. She thought that it was great to walk across America. They also gave a generous amount of money. I told her what I was doing it for and she told me that she’d lost her son to the same cause. Unbelievable. I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years that this sweet couple had dealt with something like that. It’s everywhere guys. It’s bad!

Between those two people and thinking about the rest of you guys, I fought on. I caught a few breaks in the wind but the hills were worse. I started to develop what may be a shin splint. I’ve never had them so I don’t know yet. I didn’t care. I just wanted to get to this small town that had a hotel so that I could get out of this madness and regroup.

I finally get there and I didn’t even tell them about Domino because I didn’t want to risk them no taking pets. This is the third time already that I’ve snuck her into a hotel haha. She is so sweet and quiet and doesn’t bother anyone. I don’t feel bad about it because of that. I feel like no pet policies are for pets that will be a nuisance. I’m sure this hotel would’ve taken her. I think I’m the only guest here tonight. It’s a small 12 room motel in the middle of nowhere. Probably mostly used by people traveling through. It is nicer than I thought it would be. I grabbed a shower and headed out to grab some dinner..

I followed my nose and was led to a BBQ restaurant named Blues. I get in and order a pulled pork sandwich with potato salad. It was so good I ordered another one! We got to talking about the walk as I brought it up to explain why I was eating so much… they thought it was great and they said drugs are really bad in their town. They put my double meal on the house! I couldn’t believe it. I almost felt bad. The waitress told me not to worry about the tip either. I swear if it wasn’t for all of the kindness in people that I meet that I would never make it through this walk. But I know that I will go all the way. Even on the hardest day, I received some of the kindest gestures yet.

Don’t listen to what the news tells you.. people are good! I hope that the people who helped me today have something amazing happen to them in the near future. Because of them I made it to my destination and am in a hotel safe from the freezing temperatures that are projected for tonight.



  • Dear Brett,
    Thank you for bringing this topic of death by overdose to the forefront of people’s mind. I am so sorry about your sister. I hope in your walk you are comforted by the many who are affected by this epidemic.
    I am blessed to say that my son was able to be saved after his overdose. This was Feb. 29, 2016.
    I pray that detoxification and rehabs become standard in all states, even if one does not have health insurance.
    Thank you
    Kate Kennedy

  • God bless you! I think eyes are finally starting to open about this pandemic. Your journey helps bring the awareness and knowledge to those who haven’t been personally affected. My son Tyler started with pot moved to oxy then when everything was gone to heroin. He has tried rehab 4 times and is back on the streets panhandling. We will never give up hope because all things are possible through God but know this disease is relentless end impacts the lives of all who love the addict. I’m so sorry about your sister. She would be so proud of you and what you are doing to raise awareness. ((Hugs)) from a mom who misses her son.

  • You are amazing. God bless you and safe travels. I did not get read everything. When you are in Ohio, I would love to meet you and support you. My son is 32 and has struggled with addiction for over 8 yrs. I believe that he is currently sober. I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. I will be praying for safe travels. Thank you for your efforts, time , travel and take care of yourself please. Sandra

  • Brett, I’ve been following your blogs everyday! I love reading them. I can’t wait to get into bed at the end of each night to curl up and see what progress you have made through your day. I believe I told you that I lost my son Brian, on March 3rd, just a few short weeks ago, and just 10 days short of his 21st birthday. Your journey and daily progress is heroic and courageous. Reading your blogs bring me a sense of Hope at the end of my day, and I sleep better for it. Thank You Brett!!!

    • That means so much to me. I remember how hard those first few months are. I am glad that I am able to help. I am so sorry and I wish I knew the answer to stop all of this

  • Patricia Marley

    God bless you!! Thank you for all that you’re doing – I pray this opens more eyes to this horrific epidemic!
    Good luck to you, I’ll be praying for you.

  • Thanks for spreading the word on this horrible epidemic! Blessings to you!!

  • Thank you with all my heart Brett.
    I woke to find my partner lifeless from a heroin overdose and it has been my nightmare since.
    People like you represent not only yoyr beautiful sister Brittany but the love of my life Luke too and the many many many others who’ve been lost too soon due to overdoses…..
    I’m all the way over and down under, in Australia and if you think America could use some awareness, drop back 40 years and thats us.
    My only support are the mostly American population of an online support group GRASP.
    I cannot tell you enough how proud Brittany would be of what you are doing in her honour. You truly are an extraordinary human being, and for that Brittany be forever loved and never forgotten.
    Thanks for walking the talk mate.
    Not a braver man do I know.
    Thank you so much! Katrina xxxx

    • Thanks Katrina. I am sorry for your loss. I would LOVE to walk across Australia too!!! Maybe that could be next! Might need a camel for that one though! If I happen to hear of any support groups down under then I will let you know

  • Wow. What a journey! Will be with you in spirit. Lost one of my sons, Feb. 2016 to bad batch of heroin. He had struggled for years with dual diagnosis but was lying to me most recently about use. But I could see the physical signs of heroin use. I wish he had admitted it and gone for help. This is a horrible disease and all addicts are in pain of some sort. God bless and my prayers are with you.

  • Jennifer Boudrot

    you look so cute in your pictures. If I didn’t know you I would have a crush on you. But i know you…

  • Brett, I wrote on your blog earlier. I have a son that was an addict. He is now sober and helping other young men rid themselves of this terrible disease. However, I read your post today and just about balled my eyes out. Not a very manly thing at almost 60 years old. Trials and tribulations. There is a higher power that many are not accustomed to. Its there, you just have to seen the signs. What happened to you today affirms my belief. Thats why I shed tears. Keep moving young man. You haven’t even seen the worst nor the best but know there is a reason why a perfect stranger will stop to offer a hand. Amazing!

  • valarie a dunlevy

    Hi Brett! My good friend Karla Stull who lives in Charleston, WV has asked for me to intercept you on your journey and offer you a nice warm place to stay and a massage!! I live in Lost Creek WV right off I-79 just 15 minutes south of Clarksburg. If that fits in your plans and you would like to…. come on down!!
    Blessings on your way…
    Valarie Dunlevy
    1244 Hawk Hwy
    Lost Creek WV 26385 cell: 304-203-3535 If Idont answer, please leave a message!

    • I am just now seeing this! I can’t get to the comments on my website from my phone. I think I need to get a small laptop to travel with. Glad we were able to get in touch!

  • valarie a dunlevy

    one more thing…. we are dog friendly too!
    Valarie Dunlevy

  • Hi Brett:

    I am so proud of your journey and that you are sharing your story. Let us know when you make it to Kansas as we will be out there somewhere to let you know we are here for you…

    I wanted to also share my families story with you as well because you and I are working for the same thing exactly … Naloxone access and Good Samaritan laws. We are woefully behind in the Midwest. (See link below.)

    Keep up with the path to healing. You are making a difference.

  • Keep on going. You have an important message to spread. Angels are with you and Domino guiding your way.

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